Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) InstructionsPlease rate each statement below as they relate to your business 1 being “not true”, 5 being “true” Your score on each question will give you insights into where you're strong and weak. The lower your score, the more opportunity there is to improve how your business is performing in terms of profit, cash and time. Once completed, we’ll reach out to you and give you free advice (our personal recommendations) on exactly how you can do better in business, including what action to take My bookkeeping is up to date (within 1-2 weeks) and accurate(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AMy customer invoices are always paid on time (to ensure my cash flow is not at risk)(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI understand what industry benchmarks are(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI have financial targets in key areas developed from industry benchmarks(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI sit down monthly to compare my results with my targets(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AFrom my “sit down” I create an action plan to improve my cash and profit(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI take action from my plan and see improvements month on month(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/ACash Flow never stresses me out(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AMy gross profit is pretty much where I want it to be(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AMy net profit is pretty much where I want it to be(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI don’t have any ATO debt that is stressing me out (or that isn’t being managed easily)(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI am not drawing out more money from the business than I am making in net profit (minus cash reserves for other things)(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI am not dipping into my own money to prop the business up(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI have not or I am not getting into debt personally to service the business(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI am up to date with all my employee superannuation lodgements and payment(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI understand that employee entitlements don’t “show up” in the profit and loss or balance sheet & I am comfortable that I’ve reserved money to cover them (so I don’t end up with cash flow problems)(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/APlanI have a simple plan for my business – I know what “optimal” cash and profit looks like and my plan is designed to take and keep me there(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AMarketingI have a Strategic Foundation (Vision, Mission, Target Market, Core Values, Big Game)(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI have my “method” mapped out visually – this is how you do what you do for your clients and customers in order to get an optimal result – we call it your “secret sauce recipe”(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI have an ascending product ladder(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI have a Marketing Playbook – this is deep dive into who you serve and what problem you solve which serves as how you speak to and serve your market (and it’s a brief for marketing agencies)(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI have a system of keeping in touch with everyone on my database (clients, prospects, business buddies)(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/ASalesI have enough leads coming in from Marketing Activities all year around(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI am able to respond to leads fast enough that I never lose the opportunity to quote to a competitor(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI have a system to follow up vigorously on quotes until I get a yes or no(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI convert 70% of quoted work to jobs (prospects to clients)(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AProductivityI have mastered the proactive rather than reactive business mindset – I work to my own prioritised structured agenda – rather than reacting to emails, queries, notifications, telephone calls etc (I’m proactive more than reactive)(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI spend an hour a day minimum working on the growth and stability of my business and my goals – rather than just in the business(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AOn the whole I feel more like I’m moving ahead than like a hamster on wheel – busy going nowhere(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/ATeamI feel like an effective Manager focussed on these 5 key areas - planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI am extremely happy with how my team is performing(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI have a robust recruitment process that helps me hire the right people for the right jobs(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI have formal standard operating procedures in place which my team use and follow to ensure my business runs smoothly(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI run a week ahead meeting – so the team can report to themselves, support one another and ensure they kick their goals during the week(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AI run a week in retro meeting – to review the week that was – to celebrate the wins, learn from the losses & to improve our processes(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AMy team does not interrupt me or each other in an “unscheduled” way because we have tech and forums for this(Required)1 - Not true2345 - True6 - N/AWe'd love to give you a call to discuss your results.What is your phone number?(Required)CAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.